Delivery Information


  1. KDD e-shop ships orders in Kuwait by the company's own delivery network.
  2. Orders are delivered according to the delivery availability at the time of order placement.
  3. Once you have received the order, we will provide you the order invoice, and it will be a confirmation that you have received all items purchased in the order.
  4. If we reach your address and fail to deliver the order, please contact our customer service department to arrange an alternative delivery time. We will not be responsible for any orders that are not delivered within a period of 3 days after the date of purchase.


  1. You have the right to return or exchange items purchased from KDD within 7 days from purchase under the following conditions:
    • Returned or exchanged items must have a quality defect or does not match the specifications stated on KDD e-shop.
    • Returned items must be in their original packaging.
  2. You have the right to receive your refund against returned items in the same form of payment made at time of original purchase. You have the right to receive your refund in full. We will not deduct any kind of transactions fees, such as Knet fees or processing fees, from your refund amount.
  3. You have the right to receive your refund within 10 working days of your original request.


  1. If you would like to return or exchange an eligible item, you can contact our customer service center and we will arrange for pickup from your address stated in your invoice. When we collect your item, please provide us with the original invoice at time of purchase.
  2. Please allow us 10 business days to finalize your return or exchange request.